September 4th (Wednesday), 7:00 -8:30pm
Indigo Wellness Spa
209 Cleveland Avenue, Martinsville, VA
Create a freer flow of energy throughout your chakras, aura, and physical body using the sound healing frequencies of Solfeggio tuning forks and various singing bowls. We will begin with meditation techniques to ground yourself, clear your mind, and release emotions and energies that are impeding the flow of energy and creating blockages. Laura will use each of the tuning forks with the group, and also read each participant’s energy and provide additional sound healing interventions based on their specific needs. We will end with singing bowls before finishing our meditation session.
$20. No experience required. No supplies are needed, as this is a seated meditation session. SEATING IS LIMITED, SO PLEASE PRE-REGISTER HERE.
For additional information, please contact Laura at (540)570-0047 or